Boy howdy! It feels good to be funded! With roughly 41 hours left, there's still some time to get to a stretch goal or two! So far, the campaign is up to 138 backers (20 more than the first campaign), and $6,263 in total pledges! It's not quite Thanksgiving, but after reflecting a bit, I have a lot to be thankful for!

I'll let you in on a little secret... I've only had one backer cancel their pledge! It is always a bummer when someone cancels, but the person that canceled has had a rough few months, so I totally understand that circumstances change and buying a game should not be a priority for anyone. So out of 139 people that took the time to back the campaign, only one had to back out. That is a good feeling, and I'm very thankful for the support!
I'm thankful for all the people that have supported the campaign, and for all the people that helped me refine Top Tale, but I am most thankful for one special lady. My wife, Kirren (AKA Lady Knighthawk), has been incredibly supportive over the last three years! Whether it be proof reading social media posts, campaign updates, cards topics, and much more, or helping support events, she has supported everything without complaint! I've spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours, nights and weekends, and she hasn't objected once.
Even tonight, instead of relaxing at home, she's going to Sparge Brewery to do some last-minute promotion for Top Tale. She's even willing to be a walking advertisement with me!

So thank you Kirren!
I love you very much, and appreciate all the support you've given me over this crazy endeavor!
To you, the reader, thank for reading. If you haven't already, I welcome you to check out the Kickstarter campaign, and consider buying a game in the last 40 hours!
Feel free to mention in the comments what you're thankful for.